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Monday, February 14, 2011


Ok, so I have turned in to my mother and typically go to bed at ten pm so I am not dead the next day. I ended up spending more time at my church community group tonight chatting with some ladies, so I am home later than I thought and won't be able to write as much as I want. I do want to write something though! I had such a great weekend trying new food, finished an AMAZING book, and watched a new movie. I decided that what I most want to talk about is my book because it inspired the name of my blog and is the second in a trilogy that will also become movies, with the first one coming out in 2012.
So, to begin, I read this book called Hunger Games,  by Suzanne Collins last month. An old college roommate of mine is a writer and an avid reader, like myself. (She has her own site and is publishing a chapter a week of her book SN:she is an excellend writer, but she does have cursing in the book.) Also, while I was watching the Today show right around New Year's, they did a segment on what was hot in 2010 and what will be hot in 2011. The books that were the most popular in 2010 were the Twilight series and the woman predicted that the Hunger Games series would be this year's next big thing. Of course, I wanted to know what they were all about. So the book was amazing! It took me a chapter or two to get into it, but after that I couldn't put it down. The books are written for young adults, but even older adults read Twilight and Harry Potter:) Basically, the book is about 12 districts run by the government, or the Capitol, and those districts decided they didn't want to follow the government's rules anymore and they attempted to overthrow the Capitol. They lost, and their punishment was the hunger games. This means that a boy and a girl from each district (age 12-18) are each picked to be involved and put into an arena. There can only be one winner, so they have to kill each other off! It may not sound good to some, but I loved it.
So the second of the three books in this series is called Catching Fire. I read this book in just a few days. After the first one ending so good, it took me a few chapters to get back into it, but again, once I did there came a point where I could not put it down. I even got up early Saturday (not that my body can sleep in anymore) and finished it. I don't want to say what this book is about as it would be hard to describe it without giving away some of the first book and I hate when things like that are ruined. I made the statement earlier this week on facebook that reading a good book is like a catch 22; It's so good while you are in it and you want to read it so much to see what happens, but when it's over you feel a little empty. Now I am torn with wanting to read the last book (already have it uploaded to my e-reader!) or postponing it to live in the thrill of the series. Fortunately, between Tarryn and Melisa (my friend that recommended Water for Elephants) I do have several other books they insist I read, but what should I do about Mockingjay? (that's the 3rd book)
All that to say, I had wanted to name my blog a critical critique because I am very opinionated and if I don't like something, I am not afraid so say so. That name was already taken though. Since I was in the middle of reading Catching Fire when I started this blog, I looked for catching critique and clearly was successful. In my mind I saw it in two ways. 1. Maybe other people will see my critique and my opinion would catch on, and/or 2. Because I am trying to do so many new things in life (i.e. this blog and also due to reading Crazy Love, by Francis Chan in my community group, live my life so others can see Christ through me) and I want my passion for Jesus to catch on to other people.
So, this has been significantly longer than I had thought, but I still have plenty more to write about. Thanks for reading!

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