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Friday, February 25, 2011

Facebook Phenomenon

I watched The Social Network (the movie about the back story of facebook) and have to say, I didn't really care for it. It actually made me wish I didn't have an account. Since I do, I won't get rid of it though. {haha} I had no idea that the creator of facebook had pretty much taken the idea from someone else and made it his own. He deserved to be sued, but I know that they didn't really sue him because they were mad about the idea stealing so much as they were pissed that they could be making the money he is making. The way the film was made was good though as it went back and forth between the law suit taking place and what actually happened, which made you really have to pay attention to what was going on. I wouldn't watch this again, nor am I sure that I would recommend it to anyone else.

In addition to that, I watched Easy A & Red. Both of which are comedies and equally not worth watching again. Easy A had a couple of funny lines that I laughed out loud at, and Red had some humor as well, but both just could've just been better. So, I wouldn't recommend either of these either. This weekend I'm looking forward to watching another new film that a friend from work let me borrow and getting some homework done. Enjoy it everyone!


  1. Jim started to watch that on our flight to Africa, but didn't like it either and switched to another movie.

  2. I actually really thought the story line was very interesting. I know that he "stole" the idea for someone else but in reality if they wanted to make it they should have. I wasn't a fan of how deceitful he was but now I know where I got facebook. Interesting :)
